Data Center Cooling –Towards Best Practices!!

Data center cooling has always been of crucial importance when the infrastructure of a data center is discussed. This is said as the average energy or power consumption operating cost of cooling in a traditional data center has been observed somewhere around 40% worldwide. Saving on this operating cost not only pushes the marginal growth of an organization but also differentiates itself with respect to various world power-saving alliances and environment-friendly branding strategies.

To elaborate the importance of data center cooling further, it is referred to one postulated technology that determines the ability to control and digest the relinquished heat by the servers in a data center. It is an unavoidable recurring operational cost for a data center organization which is constantly being endeavored to be reduced. Moreover, various regulation compliances have also been prefaced by certain governments to push the cause forward to induce eco-friendly data operations. The relevant importance has grown bigger owing to the information and data explosions that the world is witnessing to. This gigantic data calls for huge data centers and power requirements to be stored and utilized as and when needed.

There is a need in the data center operations to introduce technologies which could replace the legacy systems that consume more power, plus new infrastructural developments which exhibit the increased efficiency and energy-saving techniques. Although much is being spoken about various advanced and most beneficial techniques and strategies in this range, still let us spotlight some essentials which tend to make for required outcomes.

  • Free cooling is well advised to be used year-around. This is about availing the location-based advantages wherein standard practices of cooing could impact adequately aided by free cooling that leads to cost and energy saving. Many of the big players are moving to Iceland for their data center operations due to best possibilities of outside air cooling, power production ease via hydroelectricity and geothermal energy.
  • Cloud solutions are placing good opportunities for the enterprises to alleviate their data operations off-premises. This is basically about reducing their hardware and equipment by means of using cloud services, which in turn helps in holding off extra space. The area which requires cooling can be reduced by implementing this measure and thereby cost saving can be attained.
  • Liquid cooling seems to be taking traction in recent times due to its efficiency and low energy requirements. Although the infrastructure setting for such cooling system is more costly than air-based cooling and requires more precision, but the outcomes overlay such expenditures in the long term. Large data centers are expected to move toward this system owing to high-performance computing and more heat generation.
  • Upgrading servers and equipment may be the basics but must be highlighted in the perspective of cooling requirements. Old servers are required to be upgraded with new servers which bring in more power saving options. Such upgrades can maintain or enhance the performance with the same level of power consumption. Such measures not only reduce the energy requirement but also make the operations more efficient.
  • Apart from the points mentioned above, little formations such as data center design, chimney usages over the racks, infrastructure monitoring for air/water flow, and fan speed variations also make significant difference in data center cooling optimizations.

Data center cooling requirements vary with industries and domains. Major users are the telecommunication and IT companies which are considered to be the prime digital and data industries. However, increased digitalization of records and information is directing the storage and computing requirements toward other industries as well viz. BFSI, healthcare, and manufacturing retail. The demand for data center cooling solution is deemed to be growing in these sectors and present an opportunity for vendors to capitalize with apt consultation. The measures given above are a necessity to be reviewed and ensured with the providers to establish, depending upon the enterprises’ requirement.

Thorough knowledge can help an organization to make smart power and cooling executions for data center operations and contribute toward energy saving and environment. Identifying pain points and suited resolutions for power and cooling issues is of critical importance to achieve both, optimum outcomes as well as energy savings. Best practices are advised to leverage the data center issues wherein virtualization and integration aided by monitored and controlled operations can be a part of unfailing strategies.

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